Creating and crafting music to God’s glory.

Hi, I'm Craig—an actively published composer, arranger, and pianist who loves to create music and help others create their own meaningful connections and experiences through music.

I work primarily in sacred choral music and piano sheet music. (Get my free piano arrangement of How Great Thou Art below!) Please check out my blog for info on recent projects, or visit the shop to browse my published pieces. 

Here are some of the fine publishers who have published my music: 

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Latest Releases:

In Recognition of Black History Month:

Spirituals: Soul-Stirring Settings for Jazz Piano (ship or download)

Worship Resource Guide

Digital Media Pack

SpiritualsPlus: Voice Edition

Series Launch SALE - 15% off for a Limited Time!


Curry & Jazz —
Piano Hymn Settings with a Blues Touch

Fresh jazzy takes on beloved hymns for advanced pianists.


Jesus Christ Is Risen Today 

for SATB voices and piano with opt. brass, timpani, percussion, and handbells.

Start swinging today with your free sheet music of Craig’s “How Great Thou Art !”

Sound like a jazz pianist when you download your free sheet music today!

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