
Who Do You Say I Am?

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Buy the Sheet Music for This Evocative Ballad (Download the free mp3 Recording Below)

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With a text influenced from Matthew 16:15 (when Jesus asks his disciples, “Who do you say I am?”) Craig Curry’s lyrics are written from the first person perspective of Jesus, as if He were asking the same question today. This song calls for a top note of E. (A higher version is also available.) With its almost musical theatre like quality, this solo can create a powerful moment in a church service or elsewhere. This piece is for download only and the purchase price includes permission to make 2 copies. [NOTE: This is the sheet music and a demo recording.]

(This performance is the High Voice version, performed by Scott Weyrauch.)
Below is the Lower Key version, performed by Craig Curry.
Some say I’m a prophet A gentle man who did no wrong And others say that all of it’s a lie I may have taught good morals But miracles are fairy tales And dead men do not live again, they die. Some say you can’t know Me In any real or lasting way I’m one more crutch to mollify the weak I’m not your higher power I’m just a man, who lived and died A myth that only desperate souls still seek. But what about you? Who do you say that I am? You’ve heard the reactions Watched them take their stand What about you? Who do you say that I am? I’m waiting for your answer But I will not force your hand What about you? Who do you say I am? Some say they can know Me For who I am, but on their terms Defining me as they think I should be. But I am your Creator I show Myself to whom I will And still I call to all, “Come, follow Me.” Some say it’s exclusive To claim I am the only Way Let’s clear this up and leave no room for doubt: Mine was a rescue mission To save you from the fires of hell I came for you, and I’m your one way out. (chorus) Am I the Christ, the Son of the Living God Who comes in love to heal and set the captives free? I confessed your Father’s love for you Will you confess your sin and put your trust in Me? (chorus) Your life hangs in the balance But I will not force your hand What about you? Who do you say I am?

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