Time and Again


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Time and Again, as heard on Blue Curry, is a ballad by Craig Curry and a moving testament of God’s never-ending love for us, even though we sin and fail Him. Available as a pdf download, permission to make 2 copies is granted with the purchase. For solo voice and piano; a demo recording is included.

An accompaniment track is available separately.

I've done many foolish things a Christian shouldn't do I've bowed my knee to other gods Turned my back on Him who's true I always end up feeling worse Caught up in sin's curse Time and again, I pray Time and again, you say "I love you. I'm not going anywhere. Look right beside you; you're always in My care. If you'll ask I'll help you change For I've already taken the blame." My righteousness, I once believed Was mine to earn, not be received I tried my best with all my might Feeling proud when things went right Then one day I finally learned God's grace cannot be earned Time and again, I pray Time and again, you say (chorus) I've already taken the blame.

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