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The Wise and Foolish Builders


Fun children’s piece!

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Written in a lilting, calypso style, this playful anthem is based on the parable of the wise and foolish builders found in Matthew 7:24-27. The optional small percussion parts are accessible and help set the mood for this fun piece.

Instrumental parts are available here. (Percussion)

Everyone who hears these words of mine And puts them into practice Is like a wise man, a really wise man Who built his house upon the rock. The rain came down, the streams arose, And the strong winds blew And beat against that house. The rain came down, the streams arose, And the strong winds blew And beat against that house But it did not fall for it was built on the rock. Everyone who hears these words of mine And does not put them into practice Is like a foolish man, a really foolish man Who built his house upon the sand. The rain came down, the streams arose, And the strong winds blew And beat against that house. The rain came down, the streams arose, And the strong winds blew And beat against that house But that fool's house fell for it was built on the sand. So, now that you have heard these words of mine Please put them into practice For when the rain comes down And the streams arise And the strong winds blow and beat against your house When the rain comes down And the streams arise And the strong winds blow and beat against your house Then it will not fall-- if it is built on the rock. So build your house upon the rock!


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