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Standing and Leaning Medley


Fun Gospel Hymns!

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What a dynamic gospel arrangement of the beloved traditional hymns, Standing on the Promises and Leaning on the Everlasting Arms. Full of blues harmonies, choral call-and-responses, and regular syncopation, it will have the congregation clapping along with the choir! This is available in multiple voicings with optional instrumental parts and a fantastic accompaniment track.

This anthem, score are also available for download.

An SAB voicing is available is here.

An accompaniment CD is available here.

Instrumental parts are available here.

(No information posted on YouTube about this choir.)
What a fellowship, what a joy divine
Leaning on the everlasting arms
What a blessedness, what a peace is mine
Leaning on the everlasting arms.

Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms
Leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.

O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way
Leaning on the everlasting arms
O how bright the path grows from day to day
Leaning on the everlasting arms.

(repeat chorus)

Standing on the promises that cannot fail
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail
By the living word of God I shall prevail
Standing on the promises of God.

Standing, standing, standing on the promises of God my Savior
Standing, standing, I'm standing on the promises
Standing on the promises
Standing on the promises, the promises

I am standing strong upon His promises
I am leaning on His everlasting arms
I am standing strong upon His promises
I am leaning on His everlasting arms
I am standing strong!



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