Rejoice and Sing


Great for unison or children’s choir!

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This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. Craig Curry has taken this timeless verse and created a joyful, upbeat anthem that is ideal for Easter or Palm Sunday services. An optional flute part will add sparkle to this cheerful selection.

Rejoice and sing! It's time to celebrate! For this is the day the Lord our God has made! Rejoice and sing! It's time to celebrate! For this is the day the Lord our God has made! Everybody gather 'round, Come and make a joyful sound! Everybody dance and sing, Give thanks to God who brings us all good things! Rejoice and sing! It's time to celebrate! For this is the day the Lord our God has made! (repeat) This is the day the Lord, this is the day the Lord This is the day the Lord our God has made! Rejoice!


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