Jubilate and Benedictus


Two pieces in one!

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Two anthems in one! Jubilate is perfect as a call to worship or any time an anthem of praise is needed. The percussive nature of the words and music is dynamic and exciting. Benedictus is a warm and flowing song of hope, which serves as a lovely closing to any service. Truly creative! Includes parts for Trumpet, Timpani and Snare Drum.

Come let the sound of the trumpet be heard Let the praises of God rise forth in our hearts. Come let the sound of the trumpet be heard Let the praises of God rise forth in our hearts.... Come let us sing to the Lord, jubilate, O praise Him! Come let us sing to the Lord, jubilate! Jubilate! Jubilate Deo! Jubilate! Jubilate Deo! Let it sound in praise to the Lord our God Let it sound in praise and honor of our King Let it sound in praise to the Lord our God Let it sound in praise and honor of our King Come let the sound of the trumpet be heard Come let the sound of the trumpet be heard Come let the sound of the trumpet be heard. Jubilate! (BENEDICTUS) Go in peace and serve the Lord Giving thanks forever Let His love wash over You Each morning as the sun And at every time in every place May your lips be filled with joy Singing praises in your heart to God forever. Amen. Amen.


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