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  • Jonah (Don’t Try to Run)

Jonah (Don’t Try to Run)


Fun children’s piece!

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Witty and clever, this humorous piece tells the well-known story of Jonah and the whale. Unison choir, small ensembles, or soloists have the option to sing individual verses of the song as the full chorus responds with a recurring refrain. A jolly piano accompaniment adds amusement to this whimsical piece that’s sure to delight singers and listeners alike!

Also available as a download here.

An accompaniment CD is available here.

This is the tale of a man named Jo-nah God told him "Go!" but he said, "No" -Hah! For as he learned where God's concerned You cannot run away! Jonah was a prophet, a man who heard from God Prophets were like preachers, they did things that were odd, One day God told Jonah, "Go to Ninevah," But Jonah didn't want to and so he just said, "Nah!" Down at the boat dock, he paid to sail away, God sent a storm, that ship began to sway. The sailors asked ol' Jonah if he had caused this mess, And Jonah said, "I'm on the run; it's true, I must confess." Don't try to run, it's just no fun. When God shows the way, it's time to obey. God has a plan, please understand, He wants your best, but there's no rest if you put Him to the test. Jonah told the sailors, "Throw me overboard." They tossed him over and prayed unto the Lord. "God, please don't let us drown because of this clown." To their surprise before their eyes, the waves and winds died down. God wasn't finished by far with Jonah yet He's a God of mercy, though sometimes we forget God sent a great fish who made Jonah his main dish The only sound for three days was squish, squish, squish, squish, squish YUCK! Don't try to run, it's just no fun. When God shows the way, it's time to obey. God has a plan, please understand, He wants your best, but there's no rest if you put Him to the test. Jonah prayed to God, who listened to his prayer. God spoke to the fish, who spat Jonah in the air, At last no longer whale-bound, faster than a greyhound, Jonah went to Ninevah, he preached all over town. He said, "Don't try to run, it's just no fun. When God shows the way, it's time to obey. God has a plan, please understand, He wants your best, but there's no rest if you put Him to the test. He wants your best, but there's no rest if you put Him to the test. God only wants your best!


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