Jesus Is the Song


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This heartfelt song of praise soars with melodic and harmonic beauty. The late David Danner created it years ago and it has endured and become a favorite of many. This new arrangement by Craig Curry brings a fresh touch to the song. An anthem of comfort and triumph!

My Savior is the Lord and King He has control of everything He loves me and He bids me sing He gives His song to me. Jesus is the song of life Jesus is the song of joy Jesus is the song of love Jesus gives His song to me. He calms my hurts and dries my tears He gives me strength to face my fears He sends His grace through all my years He gives His song to me. (chorus) Praise to Him who brings me love, Gently, sweetly, as a dove. Praise to Him who rights my wrong Gives me joy to sing His song. My Savior, Jesus, I'll adore My weary soul He will restore I'll sing His praise forevermore He'll give His song to me. Jesus is the song of life Jesus is the song of joy Jesus is the song of love Jesus gives His song I'll sing it all day long Jesus gives His song to me, to me. Jesus gives His song to me. Jesus is the Song!



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