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  • Jazz Introit and Benedictus

Jazz Introit and Benedictus


Now for something really different!

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    This unique service opening and closing offers truly fresh and creative options for worship. From the jazz waltz introit to the soothing benedictus, Craig Curry is at his finest! The harmonies are fully supported by the keyboard accompaniment.

    1. Introit

    I was glad when they said unto me
    Let us go to the house of the Lord
    I was glad when they said unto me
    Let us worship the Lord.
    Enter His gates with thanksgiving
    Come into His courts with praise
    Sing of His mercies made new every day
    And praise His holy name!
    I was glad when they said unto me
    Let us go to the house of the Lord
    I was glad when they said unto me
    Let us go, Let us go-
    Come let us worship the Lord

    II. Benedictus

    Let us go forth in peace to love and serve the Lord
    Let us go forth in peace in the name of Christ.
    Let us bless the Lord
    Rejoicing in the power of the Spirit
    Let us go forth in peace to love and serve the Lord



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