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I Could Not Do without Thee


Beautiful text and melody

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Seldom do you find such beauty in text and melody. Frances Havergal’s relatively unknown words of devotion are a perfect match to the wonderful melody written by Craig Curry, which harkens back to the early American folk tune. The mixture of solo voice with the choir lends a personal touch that reflects the ardor of the text.

You may purchase a solo version of this anthem in the collection Ten by Ten.

To see various interpretations of this piece, search YouTube by the song title for multiple videos. Here's one I particularly enjoyed. (Kudos to whomever orchestrated this also; I wish I had a copy of it!)
I could not do without Thee
O Savior of the lost
Whose precious blood redeemed me
At such tremendous cost
Thy righteousness, thy pardon
Thy precious blood, must be
My only hope and comfort
My glory and my plea

I could not do without Thee
I cannot stand alone
I have no strength or goodness
No wisdom of my own
But Thou, beloved Savior
Art all in all to me
And weakness will be power
If leaning hard on Thee

I could not do without Thee
O Jesus, Savior dear
E'en when my eyes are 'holden
I know that Thou art near
How dreary and how lonely
This changeful life would be
Without the sweet communion
The secret rest with Thee

I could not do without Thee
For years are fleeting fast
And soon in solemn oneness
The river must be passed
But Thou wilt never leave me
And though the waves roll high
I know Thou wilt be near me
And whisper, “It is I.”



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