Hark! the Glad Sound!



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Celebrative, festive, and invigorating describe this extraordinary seasonal work. The brilliant accompaniment adds pulse and drive to the contrasting, flowing melodic line.

Instrumental parts are available here. (2 tots, 2 tbns, timpani, snare drum)

Hark, the glad sound! the Savior comes, The Savior promised long; Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo! He comes the prisoners to release, In Satan’s bondage held; The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield. Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo! He comes the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure; And with the treasures of His grace To help the humble poor. His silver trumpets publish loud The jub’lee of the Lord Our debts are all remitted now Our heritage restored. Our glad hosannas, Prince of Peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim; And Heav’n’s eternal arches ring With Thy belovèd Name. Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria, gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo! Gloria in excelsis Deo, gloria!



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