
A Cuban Carol

Original price was: $2.25.Current price is: $2.07.

Creative and Unique!

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Clearly one of the most unique offerings of the season, this fabulous seasonal song will be an instant winner with your choir and congregation. Alive with a distinctive tropical spirit, this Epiphany-themed song literally dances off the printed page. Decorated with great bass and percussion colors and with a cheerful flute part, you will program this piece time and time again for concert or sanctuary usage. Flute part included. Parts for Bass and Percussion (claves, congas, shaker) available as a digital download from Sheet Music Plus or other retailers.

Once there was a night when some men beheld a light in the eastern sky Many years of gazing and now they find amazing that star! They began a daring quest to journey where the star took rest And offer gifts of gold and myrrh and frankincense. They sang in the night as they journeyed toward the light in the eastern sky. (They journeyed throughout the night) Onward traveling far only guided by the star that appeared (Only a star to guide their way) Prophets many years ago (prophets many years ago) Promised that it would be so (had said it would be so) They sang in the night on their journey to the newborn King. They never thought they'd see this day Long years of waiting fade away Upon the sighting of that blessed star. And yet again each Christmas night We see His star still shining bright And once again our hearts are filled with wonder, with wonder! Come and sing this night as we celebrate the light in the eastern sky! (Come join in the journey) How they traveled far only guided by the star that appeared (they journeyed through the night) Prophets many years ago promised that it would be so Come and sing this night Journey to the light Come and sing this night as we celebrate the newborn King! Celebrate the newborn King! (Celebrate the newborn King!) Singing, "Glory in the highest!" (Glory in the highest) Glory in the highest!  (Celebrate the newborn King!) Glory in the highest!  (Celebrate the newborn King!) Glory in the highest!  Celebrate the newborn King! Praise the King!


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