Cradle Hymn


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One of Craig Curry’s earliest published pieces, this is a plaintive setting of the hymn tune usually associated with the text “I Will Arise and Go to Jesus.” This arrangement foreshadows the crucifixion in poignant ways. “Let no cry be heard this evening but the angels’ shouts of praise. Tears will flow and You will cry out, but upon another day.”

Hush, O Child, lie still and slumber, as I ponder who You are. What a oneness with Your Father, that His love should reach this far. Let no cry be heard this evening but the angels' shouts of praise, Tears shall flow and You will cry out, but upon another day. God is born 'midst filth and foulness, coarse and splintered wood Your bed, One day not upon a manger You will rest a thorn-pierced head. Hush, O Child, for this world's darkness, silent waits to snatch Your light But You shall shine forth Your glory, You shall set the world aright. Set the world aright (Shine forth Your light) Sleep, Holy Light.


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