Come, See the Tomb!


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“Come see the tomb of victory!” The opening fanfare-like vocals give way to a rhythmic and emphatic anthem of Easter proclamation. Perfect for use as a call to worship, the crisp text and rhythms come together beautifully to create an anthem of unending joy. Optional trumpet descant is included.

Lyrics adapted from Thomas Scott, 1769 Come see the tomb! Come see the tomb! Come see the tomb of victory! Come see the tomb where death once held Him! Come see the tomb where Jesus lay! Come see the tomb, laid bare and empty! Christ the Lord is ris'n today! All the pow'rs of hell assembled, Railed against their mighty Foe, Yet He lives by God's own power Christ now reigns and Christ alone! Come see the tomb where death was beaten, Vanquished by His righteousness. Come see the tomb, watch evil tremble "He is Lord!" all will confess. Chains that bound His precious children Now lie broken evermore Slaves to sin are freed to follow, Bowing down, their Lord adore! Angels, roll the stone away! Death, yield up your mighty prey! See! He rises from the tomb! Raised as God's immortal bloom! Come see the tomb where death once held Him! Come see the tomb where Jesus lay! Come see the tomb, laid bare and empty! Christ the Lord is ris'n today! Christ the Lord is ris'n today! Christ the Lord is ris'n today!



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