Agnus Dei


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The final movement from Craig Curry’s five-movement Jazz Mass, Agnus Dei is a plaintive blues featuring alto soloist. An English translation of the traditional Latin text (Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world) predominates, but the choruses contain Latin phrases (Miserere Nobis, Dona Nobis Pacem).

To address the improvisational aspects of the piece, Curry suggests those with a jazz background improvise in marked solo sections. However, for those without improvisation expertise, the vocal solo (including licks) and piano solo are fully notated and may be sung or played note for note, ensuring an authentic sounding result. The piano accompaniment and bass part are also fully notated.

If performed as a stand-alone piece and not part of the entire Jazz Mass, Curry provides an optional quiet ending. If performed in context of the larger work, the final section which reprises material from the Kyrie may be included.

Available for download, your purchase includes pdfs of the conductor score, a choral score (Piano/Vocal), instrumental parts (piano, bass, drums, guitar, alto sax, trumpet, and trombone), and permission to make as many copies as needed for your performance.

Whether performed as part of the liturgy or a concert piece, Agnus Dei is an experience your choir and audience will long remember!

Performance Time: 5:45 – 7 minutes

Performance by JVE, the Friends University Jazz Vocal Ensemble.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy. Miserere nobis... (We're asking for mercy, Lord.) Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, O grant us Your peace. (Grant us Your peace, Lord.) Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, grant us peace. (Grant us peace.) Dona nobis pacem… (Grant us Your peace, Lord. Hear us pray Dona nobis pacem. Bring us true peace, Lord. Eternal peace, Lord. Oh, grant us peace.) Dona nobis pacem…. Dona nobis pacem, (Grant us peace, Lord.) Dona nobis pacem, (Grant us peace, Lord.) Dona nobis pacem, (We ask for peace, Lord.) Dona nobis pacem, (Grant us peace, Lord.) Dona nobis pacem. Amen.



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