African Hallelu


Now for something really different!

SKU: 20032605-1-1 Category: Tags: , ,

From an a cappella opening to the final measure, this new rhythmic and energetic offering from Craig Curry is infectious and irresistible. Add the optional percussion to create a true celebration of the Incarnation! –An Editor’s Choice from J.W. Pepper

Hallelu! Hallelu! Hear the praises fill the skies! Hallelu! Hallelu! Hear the hallelujahs rise! Do you hear those holy voices singing through the skies All the heavenly host rejoices, Hallelujahs rise Hasten, people, to adore Him, His name magnify Take your place and kneel before Him, Praise to God on high. Hallelu! Hallelu! Hear the praises fill the skies! Hallelu! Hallelu! Hear the hallelujahs rise! Listen to the wondrous story, sung in hymns of joy, Glory in the highest, Glory to the Lord Most High! Hallelu! Hallelu! Hear the praises fill the skies! Hallelu! Hallelu! Hear the hallelujahs rise! Peace on earth, goodwill from heaven Reaching far as the curse is found Hosts redeemed and souls forgiven Let  your voices, Let your voices rise! Christ is born the great Anointed Let the praises ring, O receive Whom God appointed Prophet, Priest, and King! Hallelu! Hallelu! Hear the praises fill the skies! Hallelu! Hallelu! Hear the hallelujahs rise!


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