Sacred Jazz Weekends

Let Craig bring the traditions and sophistication of jazz to your choir for one unforgettable weekend—no jazz experience required!

  • Looking to keep your choir vibrant and engaged with something fresh and different? 
  • Want to offer your choir a unique, meaningful, and memorable experience?
  • Need innovative music to program for worship services or concerts? 
  • Intrigued by jazz, but lacking jazz expertise?

Host a


Fresh, Fun, and Meaningful

Engage your choir and audience with music that’s fresh, exciting, and spiritually meaningful.

Great for non-jazz choirs

Your singers will sound great without needing jazz experience.

Led by a sacred jazz expert

Craig brings decades of experience and expertise in both sacred choral music and jazz. 

Choose the option that best serves you.

1. Jazz Worship Weekend

For Church Choirs
A weekend-long guest artist/composer residency bringing sacred jazz to your choir, culminating in an unforgettable jazz-infused worship service or concert

Sample Jazz Choral Anthem: “Jazz Alleluia”
(performed by Wheaton College Alumni Choir)

What’s Included: 

Materials, Personal Support, and Resources—
  • Collaborative Programming
    Work with Craig to carefully select jazz choral pieces from his catalog that will make your choir shine 
  • Director Access to Craig for Questions
    Get help directly from Craig for any questions about jazz styles, interpretation, etc., before the weekend
  • Custom Jazz Hymn Arrangements
    Utilize proven sacred jazz hymn arrangements for congregational singing or special music
Workshops, Coaching and Final Preparations—
  • Jazz Choral Workshops with Style Coaching 
    Use Craig’s jazz expertise to offer helpful guidance and “polish” your choir’s sound before the performance
  • Coaching Sessions
    Get personalized assistance for your musicians and vocalists on jazz techniques
Concluding with—
  • An Exceptional Jazz Worship Service or Concert 
    Present a memorable and meaningful jazz worship service or concert featuring your choir
  • (optional) Guest Artist 
    Leverage Craig as a guest pianist, accompanist, or conductor
Financial Investment: starting at $3500

Frequently Asked Questions

Our choir has never sung jazz before. Can we still do this?

Absolutely! The Jazz Worship Weekend is designed for choirs with little or no jazz background. Choirs of all levels and types have successfully performed my jazz choral pieces. As a veteran choral composer my jazz choral music usually requires little change in vocal production.  (See the "Jazz Alleluia" video for an example.). Additionally, I provide direct access to myself ahead of the Jazz Worship Weekend so you can provide clear, easy-to-follow guidance and help your singers feel more comfortable with jazz rhythms, harmonies, and phrasing.

My coaching and rehearsals during the Jazz Worship Weekend will have your choir sounding great without needing jazz training.


What happens during a Jazz Worship Weekend?

The Jazz Worship Weekend is an immersive experience where I serve as a guest composer and clinician. I can  optionally serve as guest artist (piano) or conductor. 

  • Jazz choral workshops & rehearsals with your choir
  • Expert coaching on jazz phrasing, rhythm, and ensemble singing
  • Personalized jazz coaching for your band
  • A Jazz Worship Service or Concert featuring your choir
  • Optional: I can also accompany on piano, lead worship from the piano, or perform my sacred jazz combo arrangements

The goal? A powerful, inspiring worship service that blends jazz’s energy with traditional musical elements.

Our congregation isn't used to jazz in worship. Will they accept it?

Many churches worry about this—but the feedback is usually overwhelmingly positive! I can understand your hesitation—I served for 12 years as a worship pastor in a traditional church. One year I got up the courage to create a jazz outreach worship service we called “Baptists, Blues, and Bebop” for the Wichita Jazz Festival. 

It became an annual event for us, and many commented how much they loved not only having so many guests, but the fresh, joyful energy those arrangements brought to very familiar, traditional hymns. Many of these arrangements are now published and now serve as suggested repertoire for Jazz Worship Weekends.


How much does it cost and what's included?

Investment varies based on location and package. Jazz Worship Weekends start at $3500.

What’s included in the base package?

  • Consultation to customize the experience for your choir’s needs
  • Director access to Craig for ongoing support
  • Guest artist residency with choir rehearsals, coaching, and performance direction
  • A full Jazz Worship Service or Concert featuring your choir

Upgrade options:

  • Jazz Mass performance (for advanced choirs)
  • Live accompaniment by me as a pianist
  • Custom jazz arrangement for your choir

Can we afford this? What if we don't have the budget?

I understand that budgets can be tight, which is why many churches and universities fund this through a combination of resources:

  • Church & Music Ministry Budgets – Many churches already have a budget for special music events
  • Wealthy Donors & Sponsors – Church benefactors and choir supporters often fund meaningful worship experiences. (I have a Sponsor a Jazz Worship Weekend Guide to help with this!)
  • University Guest Artist Grants – If you’re at a university, you may have access to faculty development funds or artist-in-residence grants.

Let’s talk—I can offer ideas on how you might successfully fund this experience!

How far in advance do we need to book?

I’m currently booking Jazz Worship Weekends and Jazz Mass Experiences for 2025-2026.

I recommend reserving your date as early as possible—especially if you’re considering a special service, concert season, or guest artist series.

To check availability, contact me or schedule a quick call [link to calendar].


What kind of music will my choir sing?

You’ll sing beautiful, accessible jazz-infused sacred music that’s appropriate for worship and choral performance.

Repertoire may include:

  • Jazz arrangements of traditional hymns
  • Sacred jazz choral works (including my original compositions)
  • Gospel-infused jazz spirituals

I tailor the music selection based on your choir’s needs and ability level to ensure a fantastic and meaningful experience.

How do we get started?

Step 1: Schedule a free consultation to discuss your choir’s needs.
Step 2: Select your preferred weekend & program package.
Step 3: Book your Jazz Worship Weekend and start preparing for an unforgettable experience!

📩 Contact me to get started!


2. Jazz Mass Concert

For Advanced Choirs and Festivals
A weekend-long guest artist/composer residency culminating in a performance of Craig's acclaimed choral work, Jazz Mass

Jazz Mass Excerpt: “Sanctus”
(performed by Friends University Singing Quakers)

What’s Included: 

Materials, Personal Support, and Resources—
  • Full Score, Choral Scores, and Instrumental Parts
    Receive physical and digital copies of all Jazz Mass materials
  • Digital Vocal Part Tracks 
    Help your choir learn notes ahead of time and outside of rehearsals with isolated voice part tracks
  • Instrumental Accompaniment Tracks
    Familiarize your choir with the full accompaniment with digital accompaniment (backing) tracks for rhythm section and instruments 
  • Director Access to Craig for Questions
    Get help directly from Craig for any questions about jazz styles, interpretation, etc., before the event
Workshops, Coaching, and Final Preparations 
  • Jazz Choral Workshops with Style Coaching 
    Use Craig’s jazz expertise to offer helpful guidance and “polish” your choir’s sound before the performance
  • Coaching Sessions
    Get personalized assistance for your musicians and vocalists on jazz techniques
  • Jazz Mass Performance
    Feature your choir in a soul-stirring and memorable performance of Jazz Mass for mixed voice choir and jazz combo (rhythm section with trumpet, trombone, and alto sax)
  • Guest Artist: (optional) Leverage Craig as a guest pianist, accompanist, or conductor
Concluding with—
  • An Unforgettable Jazz Mass Performance
    Feature your choir in a soul-stirring and memorable performance of Jazz Mass for mixed voice choir and jazz combo (rhythm section with trumpet, trombone, and alto sax) 
  • (optional) Guest Artist 
    Leverage Craig as a guest pianist, accompanist, or conductor
Financial Investment: starting at $5000

Frequently Asked Questions

Our choir has never sung jazz before. Can we still do this?

Absolutely! The Jazz Mass Concert Weekend is designed for choirs with little or no jazz background. That said, Jazz Mass is a major choral work and intended for university or advanced choirs. To help accelerate note learning outside of rehearsals, I provide vocal part practice tracks.  

I also offer personal access to myself ahead of the Jazz Mass Concert Weekend so you can provide clear, easy-to-follow guidance to your choir and help your singers feel more comfortable with jazz rhythms, harmonies, and phrasing.

Finally, my coaching and rehearsals during the Jazz Mass Concert Weekend will have your choir sounding great without needing jazz training.

What kind of choral work is the Jazz Mass?

The Jazz Mass is an approximately 30 minute choral work for SATB voices (divisi) with rhythm section (piano, bass, drums) and horns (trumpet, trombone, alto saxophone). 

Commmissioned by the Wartburg College Castle Singers, Dr. Jane E. Andrews, director, and funded by the Ruth Weidler '58 Drape Music Fund, the Castle Singers performed Jazz Mass at a North Central ACDA conference and throughout a European tour. The Friends University Jazz Vocal Ensemble has performed Jazz Mass to standing ovations on two separate occasions, and performed portions of Jazz Mass at the national Jazz Education Network (JEN) conference in Atlanta.

Jazz Mass was composed with the intent to be the jazz equivalent of Robert Ray's “Gospel Mass.” With an English text adapted from the traditional mass, it also includes familiar Latin phrases. Each movement is a contrasting jazz style, highlighting the diversity of emotion found within the mass and within jazz itself.

What happens during a Jazz Mass Concert Weekend?

The Jazz Mass Concert Weekend is an immersive experience where I serve as a guest composer and clinician. I can  optionally serve as guest artist (piano) or conductor. 

  • Jazz choral workshops & rehearsals with your choir
  • Expert coaching on jazz phrasing, rhythm, and ensemble singing
  • Personalized jazz coaching for your band
  • A concert featuring your choir performing the entire Jazz Mass (25 minutes).
  • Optional: I can also accompany on piano, conduct, or perform sacred jazz combo arrangements

The goal? A once in a lifetime concert experience that that will delight your choir and audience alike.

How much does it cost and what's included?

Investment varies based on location and package. Jazz Mass Concert Weekends start at $5000

What’s included in the base package?

  • Full Conductor's Score, Choral Scores, and Parts for Jazz Combo and horns 
  • Digital Individual Vocal Part Rehearsal Tracks
  • Instrumental Accompaniment (Backing) Tracks
  • Director Access to Craig for any style or interpretation questions
  • Guest artist residency with choir rehearsals, coaching, and performance direction
  • A full concert performance featuring your choir

Upgrade options:

  • Live accompaniment by me as pianist
  • Custom jazz arrangement for your choir

Can we afford this? What if we don't have the budget?

I understand that budgets can be tight, which is why many universities and churches fund this through a combination of resources:

  • Church & Music Ministry Budgets – Many churches already have a budget for special music events
  • Wealthy Donors & Sponsors – Private benefactors and choir supporters often fund unique musical experiences. (I have a Sponsor a Jazz Mass Concert Weekend Guide to help with this!)
  • University Guest Artist Grants – If you’re at a university, you may have access to faculty development funds or artist-in-residence grants.

Let’s talk—I can offer ideas on how you might successfully fund this experience!

How far in advance do we need to book?

I’m currently booking Jazz Mass Concert Weekends for 2025-2026.

I recommend reserving your date as early as possible—especially if you’re considering a festival, concert season, or guest artist series.

To check availability, contact me or schedule a quick call [link to calendar].


How do we get started?

Step 1: Schedule a free consultation to discuss your choir’s needs.
Step 2: Select your preferred weekend & program package.
Step 3: Book your Jazz Mass Concert Weekend and start preparing for an unforgettable experience!

📩 Contact me to get started!


Craig, your gifted arrangements come from the Lord through you to "make all things new" (2 Cor. 5:17) for our worshippers. Thanks for your terrific toil between the bars and among the staves. The results are just glorious...!!

Jay Castelli

Minister of Music, Hartford Presbyterian Church
Hartford, NY

Schedule your free consultation today!

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